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Gender equality4.1 / 5

King's College London about gender equality:

King’s has a very diverse workforce and student body. Our staff is almost 50/50 male and female and our students are more than 60% female. Our undergraduate home students are more than 50% BME.

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17 Sustainable Development Goals

Challenging Impact is a communal platform where organizations can show how they are practicing and promoting sustainable development in accordance with the UN's seventeen Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
No poverty No poverty No poverty No poverty No poverty No poverty No poverty No poverty No poverty No poverty No poverty No poverty No poverty No poverty No poverty No poverty No poverty

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No poverty

No poverty: 4.0 / 5

John Smith | 28.08.2019


King's Logo
King's College London

King’s has a very diverse workforce and student body. Our staff is almost 50/50 male and female and our students are more than 60% female. Our undergraduate home students are more than 50% BME.

No poverty

Industry innovation: 4.0 / 5

John Doe | 26.08.2019


King's Logo
University College London

UCL empowers climate scientists to guide policy making.

No poverty

Zero hunger: 4.0 / 5

Jane Smith | 30.08.2019


King's Logo
National Health Service

It is time to rethink how we grow, share and consume our food. If done right, agriculture, forestry and fisheries can provide nutritious food for all and generate decent incomes, while supporting people-centered rural development and protecting the environment.


Many organizations - commercial, industrial, educational, governmental, etc. - are keen to demonstrate their commitment to sustainable development detailing the practices they are putting in place and sharing their progress, especially regarding the seventeen Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set the United Nations.

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King's Logo
King's College London

Overall: 4.1 / 5

UCL Logo
University College London

Overall: 4.1 / 5

UCL Building
NHS Logo
National Health Service

Overall: 3.8 / 5

NHS Building

What are businesses, government departments, universities, local councils, and other organizations doing to further the cause of sustainable development? Challenging Impact is the place to find out! Challenging Impact is a communal platform where organizations can show how they are practicing and promoting sustainable development in accordance with the UN's seventeen Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). An organization with an account can make claims about their performance regarding any or all of the SDGs, and are encouraged to support their claims with relevant data and analysis. The Challenging Impact community of registered users, whether organizations or individual members of the public, can examine, evaluate, and comment on those data and claims, and give their rating of the submitter's performance. You don't have to register for an account to benefit from Challenging Impact because all the information here is public. But a bigger participating community has greater influence, so we invite and encourage you to register for an account. Share your experience - Have your say - Make your voice count